New SEATS Zoom Class -- Pastoring in Times of Crisis

South East Asian Theological Schools, Inc. will be conducting a pre-DMin Zoom class entitled "Pastoring in Times of Crisis." Michael J. Fast, Ph.D. is the professor.
The SEATS D.Min. Program’s goal is to develop leaders who are able to translate the Christian faith into local Asian contexts so that the deep cultural artifacts that exist in these contexts can also be impacted by the Good News of Jesus Christ. One key aspect to that is how the church deals with crisis, particularly crises as influential as the COVID-19 crisis of 2020. The COVID-19 crisis introduced many unexpected (but not necessarily unanticipated) changes into society as a whole and to the church in particular. This class will help pastors and church leaders navigate these changes. Focussing on reflections that lead to actions, this class will help the student begin the process of ministering in the new normal. This class is a part of the SEATS pre-D.Min. program and is an online class that will have 6 1.5-hour sessions. 6 Units [9 hours online class]
Classes will be held May 11, 13, 15, 25, 27, & 29 2020, 9:30-11:00AM Manila Time
Syllabus can be viewed at