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Faculty Evaluation Form
Submitted by
Mike Fast
on Wed, 10/13/2021 - 23:20
SEATS Student Evaluation of Faculty Form
To evaluate your instructor, please fill the form below. Note: This is anonymous.
Course Title:
DMin 290 Theological Conference or Consultation Attendance, Reflection, & Integration
DMin 295 Frameworks of Functional Churches
DMin 297 New Normal for Philippine Evangelical Churches A Framework and Meaning-Making Building
DMin 298 Pastoring in Times of Crisis
MMin 296 Where is God when I need to embrace my enemy and overcome evil
DMin 303 Missional Ecclesiology
DMin 304 Soul Care
DMin 305 Spiritual Companioning
DMin 306 Towards a New World Order
DMin 309 Philosophical Hermeneutics
DMin 310 Organizational Culture
DMin 311 Understanding Applied Biblical Leadership
DMin 312 Scriptures, Scribes, Spirituality & Society Searching for the Human Face of the Sacred Book
DMin 313 Biblical Introduction to Intercultural Studies -Clem
DMin 314 Church Post Pandemic Class - dela Fuente-Fast
DMin 315 Psalms and the Captivity - Punzalan
DMin 316 Pagkalalake at Maka-Diyos Class - Fast
DMin 317 Leading Through Change - Gustafson
DMin 318 Overcoming Intra-familial conflicts for the glory of God - dela Fuente
DMin 319 Christo-centric Liturgy for the Season - Exiomo
DMin 320 Politics of Jesus
DMin 399 Dissertation 1 Research & Writing at the DMin level
Faculty Name:
dela Fuente, Anthony
Ebojo, Edgar
Exiomo, Jonathan
Fast, John R.
Fast, Michael J.
Klem, Herbert
Punzalan, Cesar V.P. III
Samante, Saul
Please choose the best answer for each question. The instructor...
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Treated students with respect
Made students feel free to ask questions
Was capable of answering questions
Communicated clearly
Assigned homework that was relevant to course material
Allowed sufficient time to complete homework assignments
Gave exams that reflected the material covered in lectures
Provided constructive feedback on graded material
Kept students informed about their class grades and progress
Was available outside of lecture
Set and followed clearly defined grading criteria
Utilized the entire allotted lecture time
Was enthusiastic about teaching the course
Completed the objectives outlined in the course description
I would recommend this instructor to other students
Should be Empty:
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