DMin 306 Towards a New World Order: Frameworks in Discipling a Nation
Course Level:
- Level 4
South East Asian Theological Schools, Inc.
Syllabus for DMin 306
Towards a New World Order: Frameworks in Discipling a Nation
Cesar V.P. Punzalan, D.Min., Ph.D. and Michael J. Fast, Ph.D. 3 Units [24/72 hours in/outside of class]
The SEATS D.Min. Program’s goal is to develop leaders who are able to translate the Christian faith into local Asian contexts so that the deep cultural artifacts that exist in these contexts can also be impacted by the Good News of Jesus Christ. One key aspect to that is the the realm of values and worldviews. This course will discuss the value system of heaven (Koinonia) to be lived out in the world.
Dr. Cesar Punzalan will discuss values systems first on the micro/personal scale based on Galatians 5:22-23. On the second session he will discuss the Genesis 9:6 chiasm or chiasmos, as interpreted mainly by Evangelicals as the basis of justice (retributive), and how the pendulum has swung to the opposite direction and how Middle-of-the-road and Neoliberal Evangelicals advocate now for a definition of social justice based on cultural Marxism. On the third session, Dr. Punzalan will present the other hidden spiritual forces which greatly affect how Christians live out the values of heaven or the values of the kingdom. It is a framework analysis from personal to global systems that hinder the advance of the kingdom of God.
Dr. Michael Fast will discuss the basic theological aspects that help form the evangelical worldview including God, Creation, Revelation, Fall, Redemption, Church, Calling, and Re-creation. The class will examine the various lenses through which these foundational beliefs are viewed and incorporate various aspects of Philippine society and culture in an attempt to shape a more contextual framework for engaging society. The class will use a Bakhtinian dialogic framework mediated through Walls’ transmission and appropriation concepts and de Mesa’s pagbabalik-loob and hermeneutics of appreciation as it’s theoretical framework.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this Course you should have demonstrated growth in the following areas:
1. A continually developing set of biblical attitudes based on Galatians 5:22-23 and Genesis 9:6.
2. A greater grasp of the function koinonia (value system of heaven) plays in helping disciple a nation.
3. An understanding of how various hidden spiritual forces – both personal and global – impact the advance of the kingdom in human cultures.
4. An understanding of not only the basic theological concepts that have traditionally shaped an evangelical worldview but the various lenses, both theological and cultural, the help shape our understanding and creation of our various worldviews.
Learning Tasks (Assignments):
1. Your first learning task is to read through the set learning tasks given below (1 hour). You will be provided with a “contract” in which you affirm that you have read carefully through the learning tasks and commit yourself to completing them. As the purpose of the learning tasks is for you to provide evidence that you have made measurable progress towards the learning outcomes, I encourage your creativity and ownership by suggesting alternative tasks that better suit your learning style. However, your suggested task(s) must involve a comparable amount of out-of-class effort and must serve the learning outcomes. If you are interested in designing an alternative learning task or tasks, I encourage you to speak with me, and I will assist you in the process.
2. You will be expected to prepare for class, including watching videos in advance, to attend the Zoom sessions, and to participate in discussions, debates and case-study reflections, as directed. 20% of course assessment.
3. Prepare a VLog OR a reflection paper on the Monday lecture on the Fruit of the Spirit/7 Deadly Sins. 20% of course assessment.
4. Prepare a VLog OR a reflection paper on the Wednesday lecture on Tim Keller’s 3 barriers and Melba Maggay’s comments on true discipleship. 20% of course assessment.
5. Read Vencer’s Towards a Biblical World-Life View and write a report on what you have read. 20% of course assessment.
6. Choose one of the eight lenses of theology discussed in class (God, Creation, Revelation, Fall, Redemption, Church, Calling, and Re-creation). Write a 5-page paper that examines that aspect through one or two lenses. For example, examine the theology of the Fall through the lenses of Creation and Re-creation. 20% of course assessment.
Learning Activities:
As time permits, we will seek to investigate some or all of the following:
• Moving from micro to macro solutions to discipling a nation
• The seven deadly sins
• The fruit of the spirit
• Basic evangelical theologies
• Transmission and appropriation of faith
• Dialogic and chronotope
• Hermeneutics of appreciation
As appropriate, class sessions will include some or all of the following:
• Personal testimonies, in which students will seek to connect great doctrines to their own
• spiritual experiences
• Small-group discussion of key issues through analytic, synthetic and evaluative questions
• Reflection on case studies in light of key theological issues
• Movie clips and theological reflection
Learning Resources (See Professor for Copies):
BCP Affirmation of Faith. [See under Course Instructions below]
Erickson, M. J. (1998). Christian theology. Baker Academic.
Launstein, D. & Fast, M. (2002). Overview of basic systematic theology. Quezon City: South East Asian Theological Schools. [See under Course Instructions below]
BibleProject. (2019). The Bible Project. Retrieved from
Stevens, P. & Ung, A. (2010). Taking Your Soul to Work: Overcoming the Nine Deadly Sins of the Workplace. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Vencer, A. (2004). Towards a Biblical World-Life View. Discipling a Whole Nation Faculty Institute. [See under Course Instructions below]
Mutual Commitments:
Because this class is a D.Min. class, the primary responsibilities lie on you, the student, in learning. This class is also conducted in a modular format, which means that many of the activities will need to be done by you outside of class. Having said that, I am fully committed to helping you on your journey towards being a the minister of the gospel that you would like to be! Here is what I am expecting from you and what you can expect from me as we journey together.
What I expect from you as an emerging leader in the service of Christ:
1. I expect you to be diligent in preparing thoroughly for each session.
2. I expect you to submit work on time, or, if this is not possible, to request an extension adequately in advance of the deadline.
3. I expect you to participate fully and constructively in all course activities and discussions.
4. I expect you to show respect towards other students, being sensitive to national, cultural, gender and other individual differences, and listening courteously when others speak in class.
5. I expect you to provide accurate and constructive feedback on the course content and methodology that will help me as I teach this course and when I teach this material again in the future.
My commitments to you are:
1. I will prepare carefully for each class session.
2. I will encourage reciprocity and cooperation among you as a class of emerging leaders.
3. I will emphasize time on task, making the best use of the available time to promote quality learning.
4. I will promote active learning, respecting diverse talents and learning styles.
5. I will provide adequate opportunity outside of the class session times for you to discuss the course material with me.
6. I will do my best to provide prompt feedback on your work.
Contact Information:
I am available most times via email or social media to work with you. We can also set up an appointment to get together and discuss any issues or questions you may have. You can contact us via email at
Dr. Punzalan:
Dr. Fast: I am also on Facebook at